Even if we can explain most events, some instances nevertheless leave us dumbfounded. A group of people started to share unusual and incomprehensible events online. Their stories included finding out a friend’s secret in a dream, seeing a letter from the future, and forgetting an entire day. These real-life occurrences sound like movie scripts, but they occurred.
Story 1: “I know who you are.”

“I once stood in line at Target. In the checkout line, there was a lady and her (I guess) 3-year-old child in front of me. I’ve never met them before in my life. The toddler was riding in the grocery cart, and the mother moved forward to properly unload it. The child stares at me, smiles, laughs, and twice speaks my first name. I have an uncommon first name, which made things much stranger.” mycenea1961 / Reddit
Story 2: A complete recollection

“As an adult, I was telling my mother about this place I was at in a dream. It was brown, with two bedrooms, two levels, and L-shaped staircases. I went into great depth regarding this house in my dream.
Anyway, it appears that the house I described was where I was born. Not like “born, born.” I was born in a hospital, although my family had lived in the house for two years before my birth, and we all moved out when I was 7 or eight months old.
At first, I assumed my brain had gotten it from images I’d seen, but the amount of detail was not visible in any pictures we had of me at such a young age. The background was mostly obscured by close-ups. My best opinion to this day is that my brain is recalling very old and obscure memories; other from that, I’m not sure how I knew anything about this house, let alone the layout, furniture arrangement, etc.” AnxiousRiddle / Reddit
Story 3: A message from the future

“A few years ago, while my wife was pregnant with our second kid and about to give birth, my mother came to visit with us. One early evening, Mom requested a pen, paper, and envelope. She wrote on the paper, sealed it in an envelope, and delivered it to me. ‘Put this in your pocket and do not open it. ‘You will know when,’ she added.
Thirty minutes later, my wife said that she needed to go to the hospital because she was in labor. So we did, and 9 hours later, at 3:45 a.m., our second daughter was born. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and measured 20 inches long.
In the days before cell phones, I called my mother from the hospital to tell her the news. She answered the phone and said, ‘Before you say anything, open the envelope.’ I did. It said:
‘Girl 3:45 AM, 8 pounds, 11 ounces, 20 inches.’
I saved that paper for years. When my mother died, I went to the document safe where we stored it, but it was gone.” GullyF / Reddit
Story 4: Ghost lady
“When my son was just three years old, he came into my room and told me that ‘the lady’ was in his and his sister’s rooms. I was half asleep and dismissed it, telling him to join me in my bed.
So he went into my bed, but every few minutes he would wake me up to tell me about ‘the lady.’ Then he mentioned that she was at my bedroom door. So, to show him there was no lady and that we should simply go back to sleep, I take him up and walk him out of my room in the dark.
We are standing in the hall, and I say, ‘See, there is no lady.’ He gestures down the hall, where there is nothing to see, and says, ‘Mama, she’s right there. That’s the lady! And this is HER house.’
There was nothing, not even a shadow, where he pointed. I just tried not to show how much he was scaring me out and said, ‘Okay, she must be a good lady’ and took him back to my bed, where he instantly went asleep, and I stayed awake for hours thinking that this ‘lady’ in my 100-year-old apartment must be hanging out and watching me sleep.” Kookenhaken / Reddit
Story 5: Summoned messages

“I believe this is just a coincidence, but it’s strange nonetheless.
I can summon (for lack of a better description) a boy to message me. When we were 12-13 years old, we had a close friendship with one boy in particular. We kind of lost touch once we departed for high school. I consider messaging him from time to time, and he typically responds within ten minutes. It’s strange, because it only happens to this one boy. We didn’t talk for a year, and then he messaged me randomly after I considered reaching out. I asked him why he messaged, and he claimed he felt a strange feeling sweep over him, like if it compelled him to message me. It’s bizarre, although probably just a coincidence.” imwhittling / Reddit
Story 6: A pregnancy predictor
“I had a dream one night that a former coworker (Friend 1), whom I rarely communicate with, was pregnant. In the dream, I was back at my old office, and they were telling me that I was going to fill in for her. I was like, ‘Oh no, I left y’all last year and went to a new place.’ She showed up, extremely pregnant, and said, ‘Oh come on, it’s just while I’m on leave.
I informed my husband because it seemed strange, and we joked about how terrible it would be for me to have left that area just to have to return.
Maybe a week later, I had a dream about another acquaintance (acquaintance 2), with whom I rarely talk, who was also pregnant.
The following week, I went into Friend 1 and laughed about my humorous dream in which she was pregnant. She says me she is, and they have not informed anyone yet that she is waiting. I laugh it off, then tell my spouse about it. He jokes, saying, ‘Didn’t you dream Friend 2 was pregnant? Give her a call.’ It’s particularly amusing because Friend 2 is my age and, like me, has older children. We’re far too old to start over. I laugh it off.
The next day I called Friend 2 about the funny dream. Turns out she is also pregnant and they haven’t told anyone. Completely crazy!” Whohead12 / Reddit
Story 7: The forgotten day

“I was about 6, and I went to bed on Wednesday evening. I woke up on Friday. I recall asking my mother why it was Friday while yesterday it was Wednesday. She stated that yesterday was Thursday, clearly. I asked her what I did on Thursday because the last thing I remembered was falling asleep on Wednesday. She mentioned various activities, but I didn’t remember any of them. I never figured out why I can’t recall that Thursday.” simavok / Reddit
Story 8: A haunted car

“I was driving home from work and passed an automobile that was the same make, model, and year as mine, but in a different color. We both enter the turn lane and take a left onto a long, straight road with vast fields on each side. The car in front of me turns onto this road, and I wait for it to pass before turning as well. It takes less than five seconds. However, when I went onto the road, the automobile in front of me was nowhere to be found. This road has no turns and is long and straight, allowing you to see quite far ahead of you. The car had just vanished and I still think about it today.
I am certain the automobile did not make a U-turn. Because the roads are narrow, they would not have been able to complete the U-turn without doing a 3-point turn or driving partially into the field.
After turning into this road and realizing the automobile was no longer in front of me, I looked around and saw another car driving away behind me, but the car that looked like mine was nowhere to be found. There was no place on that road where the automobile could have pulled over and I would have seen it.” omglookawhale / Reddit
Story 9: Teleporting message
My buddy and I were watching TV at his house when we noticed someone on the screen eating a strawberry. I don’t like strawberries, but they looked wonderful, so I inquired if he had any in the home. He almost laughed at me; we were two 20-year-olds who were more likely to eat mac and cheese or Fruit Loops than strawberries. About twenty minutes later, he hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it. He calls out for me to come see something.
His mother is standing at the door, holding one of those low-cut boxes with a bunch of strawberries. He said, ‘Tell AGNKim what you said!’ She looks odd and adds,’I was driving home and there was a guy selling strawberries out of the back of his truck and I thought, ’I bet David and his friends would like some strawberries…’ My buddy says, ’Well, you blew it. We all have one wish and you wasted yours on strawberries.’” AGNKim/Reddit
Story 10: Mysterious advertisement

“Years ago, my spouse and I were lazing while watching a movie. We weren’t paying much attention when the advertisements came on, but when one completed, we both recognized the location and were very certain we had been there. It took a few seconds to find the remote and rewind, while continuing discussing our visit to the location mentioned in the advertisement. It was not there. We fast-forwarded, believing we had missed it. Nothing. Rewound again. Nothing. It’s not really thrilling, but it’s completely unexplained, and we both get weirded out whenever one of us brings it up.” tottiepots / Reddit
Since ancient times, we’ve attempted to explain the wonderful things that happen on our planet. Most are now scientifically understood, but certain phenomena remain difficult to believe, even for scientists can’t explain them.