Home Health Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days

Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days

Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days

In a way, when you have to starve yourself for three to five days, the benefits rarely outnumber the negatives. But when it comes to the pineapple diet, you spend those five days eating one of the most nutritious, dense fruits. And let’s be honest, pineapple is very tasty!

The basis of the pineapple diet is simple: you eat pineapple along with other nutritious foods for five days. The trick is to replace some of the less nutritious foods with pineapple. But the main thing is that you can follow this diet for only five days. Anything more, and you’re doing more harm than good.

The trick with this diet is to adopt it only when you need to get rid of a few extra pounds. You can adopt the diet occasionally, but not on a regular basis. In the past few years, mono diets have been demonized, and some rightfully so. They are quite drastic and last way too long. But the pineapple diet is different because it doesn’t last long.

Nutritional value

The basis of the diet is the consumption of pineapple. You need to consume four to five pounds of pineapple per day. And this is what you get in terms of macro and micronutrients:

  • 2g of fat
  • 10g of protein
  • 1,000 calories
  • Small doses of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, and potassium

Pros and cons of the diet

Every diet has its pros and cons. No diet is perfect, and the trick is finding the right one for you. And the right one for the situation you’re in. Therefore, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this diet. After that, you can decide whether or not it’s the right one for you at this moment.


  • Easy to find and prepare ingredients.
  • Great for quickly losing few pounds.
  • In addition to helping you lose weight, the diet works as a detox diet


  • It can get monotonous since there are just a few ingredients.
  • Pineapple has a diuretic effect, which means you will retain fewer liquids and you will be deprived of certain nutrients.
  • If followed for a prolonged period of time, the diet can increase the risk of kidney problems and heart disease.
  • How pineapple improves your weight loss program
Photo by Any Lane from Pexels

How The Pineapple Diet Aids Weight Loss

Pineapple contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation . Inflammation causes weight gain by rendering the weight control hormone leptin less effective .

Pineapple improves digestion. The various enzymes and phytonutrients present in pineapple ensure proper digestion. This, in turn, helps shed weight and reduces bloating.

Two kilos of pineapple suppresses appetite. Pineapple contains water, dietary fiber, and bromelain . They aid nutrient absorption and slow down bowel movement, therefore suppressing appetite .

Pineapples are low in calories and nutritious. Pineapples are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients. One cup of pineapple contains 82 calories . As pineapples are juicy and filling, you don’t feel hungry for a long time.

Pineapple helps you stay active and energetic as it is rich in vitamin B1 . Vitamin B1 is a cofactor for the enzymatic reaction required for energy production . When you are active, your body tends to accumulate fewer toxins, and your metabolism keeps firing. This, in turn, may lead to weight loss.

Pineapple juice decreases fat synthesis and increases lipolysis. In a study, high-fat diet fed rats showed improved lipolysis (fat breakdown) and decrease lipogenesis (fat synthesis) .

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

This is how a typical day looks during the five days of following the diet.

For breakfast, you get 2-3 slices of pineapple with 1 cup of low-fat yogurt and oatmeal. Your first snack includes 1 glass of pineapple juice and one hard-boiled egg.

Lunch is usually the versatile meal. You can choose to eat grilled tuna with 1 cup of pineapple. Another option is a simple broth prepared with vegetables of your choice. Aside from tuna, you can also grill one fillet of chicken. Your afternoon snack is again a glass of pineapple juice and low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, people opt for chicken and pineapple salad. This salad also includes tomatoes and asparagus.

Basically, for your lunch and dinner, you can combine any fish, chicken, or turkey fillet with pineapple. For even bigger benefits, some people consume a cup of green tea or a glass of apple cider vinegar and honey in the morning before breakfast. This helps you flush even more toxins.

Bonus points

Pineapple Diet: How to Lose Weight in Just 5 Days

Here are some bonus points and tricks how to maximize the effect of the pineapple diet.

Make sure to prepare a large batch of vegetable broth so that it’s ready whenever you want it.

Do some light exercise during those five days. If you completely avoid exercise, you might experience muscle loss.

Be ready to control yourself once the diet is over. Since it’s a restrictive diet, you might feel the urge to overeat once the diet is over.

Make sure to keep yourself hydrated during the five days. Without proper hydration, this diet will increase the acidity of your body.

Source:ritely.com, stylecraze.com