Home Celebrity Prince William is criticized for being’stubborn’ about family privacy

Prince William is criticized for being’stubborn’ about family privacy

One of the reasons Prince Harry quit the royal family was, and I quote, “it was a cross between the Truman Show and the Zoo.” But, guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way, and William is taking steps to ensure that all of his family’s secrets remain protected at all times.

Sure, there were some odd occasions, like when his wife Princess Kate’s medical data were almost compromised during the period when the internet played “where is Kate” games, but overall, he’s a master at protecting his family’s privacy. According to an expert, he has even tightened the ship in recent days.

Prince William Reportedly “More Protective” of Wife And Children Now Than Previously

Many people admired Prince William for how he handled himself when his wife and father, King Charles, were both afflicted with cancer at the same time. I mean, if Prince William invented a device to wipe January 2024 from existence, I would completely understand.

It must have been a very upsetting time for him to find that both his father and his beloved wife and mother of his three children had been stricken with cancer. I wouldn’t blame him if, at the time, he believed the cosmos had turned against him.

So it’s no surprise that when both began to heal miraculously, he couldn’t help but sing “Shake It Off” at a Taylor Swift concert.

Royal expert Jennie Bond described William’s approach to his family’s seclusion as one of his top objectives.

She said: “William has never been more protective of his wife and children as now. He is taking special care to prioritise her health and the welfare of his young family, even in the face of some people saying he should be taking on more public engagements.”

She added: “William can be stubborn, and perhaps never more so than when it comes to his family and their privacy. I think it’s a great tribute to Catherine, and their love, that he is utterly focused on her welfare. They must both have reflected on those wedding vows especially the words ‘in sickness and in health.’ It is often the hard times that make a marriage even stronger.”

And regarding their sweet marriage, Bond said, “She is his rock, his lynchpin and his best friend. And their marriage is a solid one and well worth a little celebration.” Indeed it does.