A mother’s dramatic rescue of her 1-year-old from a sinking boat near Sicily has sparked interest, with rescue crews recovering one corpse and searching for more.

A catastrophic storm off the coast of Sicily, Italy, on August 19, 2024, turned a luxury boat trip into a devastating calamity. One corpse was retrieved when the boat was overwhelmed by the waters, but numerous passengers are still missing and believed to have lost.
Amidst the pandemonium, a courageous mother overcame enormous odds to miraculously save her 1-year-old daughter from the dangerous whirling waters.
A Mother’s Heroic Rescue

Charlotte Golunski, her partner James Emsley, and their baby Sophie were on board the luxury boat Bayesian when a severe storm hit, forcing the vessel to sink. As the boat was battered by large seas, Charlotte and her family went above deck. In the midst of the turmoil, a powerful wave ripped Sophie from Charlotte’s arms, throwing the infant into the water.

In what Charlotte described as a miracle, the same wave brought Sophie back to her. “I held her afloat with all of my strength, my arms stretched upwards to keep her from drowning,” she told Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

The brave mother continued, “It was completely dark. In the water, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I begged for rescue, but all I could hear were other people’s cries [sic].

Charlotte, Sophie, and James were rescued by the Italian coastguard. A doctor at the Palermo hospital stated that the baby and mother are in good health, and that the father would be released shortly.