Home Life These things say your partner is a good dad and you have...

These things say your partner is a good dad and you have nothing to worry about

As mothers, we want everything for our children to be perfect. We want to give them the best home possible, all the love in the world, but most of all — a strong, stable family with amazing parents that our children can always count on.

And even though mothers are usually the crazier of both parents, one of the thoughts that come to mind immediately after we see the positive pregnancy test is if our partner is ready for this, if he even has it in him to be a great father.

Here are some signs that he’ll be a great father and you have nothing to worry about.

1. He Genuinely Wants To Be A Dad

Sometimes, it’s not about saying it. If your partner is comfortable with the idea of being a dad, obviously, he’s ginna make a great one.

2. He has a big heart.

Look, he’s not perfect. No man is. But he surprises you with flowers when you’re feeling blue or volunteers at the local hospital or tells his grandpa he loves him when he gets off the phone with him. He’s loving and thoughtful, and above all else, that’s what will make this current bro-dawg a future Father of the Yea

3. He Is Comfortable Being Vulnerable

If your partner derives joy in making other people happy, creating room to deal with appropriate moments, then it’s a sign he’d make a good dad.

4. He’s sensitive to your needs …

He encourages you to brunch with your friends or go get a mani/pedi (with extra chair massage!) when you’re stressed. If he often considers your well-being ahead of his own and just wants you to be happy and sane, this total gem will continue to do so post-baby — for you and the kids. If he’s already selfless, he’s got a sweet head start on fatherhood.

5. He Is Always Goofy

If your partner takes joy in explaining his interests and takes seriously things that are socially considered corny, or he is always ready to get his hands and body dirty to get job done in the house, then it’s a sign he’d be a good dad.

6. Generous With More, Than Money

Although your partner might be financially ok, if he is always present and sacrifices to share quality time with his family, then it’s a good sign.

7. He helps around the house.

If he’s content to sit through a Pawn Stars marathon while you vacuum his Cheetos dust, that does not bode well for his enthusiasm to pitch in with feeding and diaper-changing. But if he’s more than happy to throw a few chickens on the Foreman for dinner and put away his own boxer briefs, he’ll be a hot hands-on dad who’s down for bath time. Parenting is no joke, so the more he helps now, the more helpful — and nurturing — he’s likely to be with a kid.

References: wisdomtimes.com, cosmopolitan.com