Home Kindness Trooper saves scared kitten from highway — then comes back to adopt...

Trooper saves scared kitten from highway — then comes back to adopt her

We enjoy hearing stories about police officers rescuing animals in need, but some go above and above. One traffic police officer rescued a fearful kitten and returned to pay a special visit.

Last month, California Highway Patrol Officer Ryan Moore responded to a complaint from a motorist who “saw a scared kitten” on the Monterey County highway, according to a Facebook post from SPCA Monterey County.

The kitten was terrified, nervous, and in danger of dashing into oncoming traffic. “At first I stopped on the left-hand side but when I went to grab the kitten, she ran across the lanes,” officer Moore told me. “I immediately thought: oh gosh, please don’t get hit!”

With the cat’s life in peril, Moore decided to halt traffic on the highway while he performed the rescue. The police attempted to apprehend the kitty again, but she jumped into the wheel well of a Prius and crept into its gasoline tank.

SPCA Humane Investigations Supervisor Jacob Duarte arrived on the scene to assist, and after ensuring that the cat would not be injured by a running engine, they cautiously pulled the car to a parking lot.

Duarte used a camera on a cable to locate the kitten, and then removed some car parts to free her.

“At first I had a moment of ‘why did this cat pick my car of all cars’,” said Tom Greeley, the Prius’ owner who was two hours late to work due to the rescue. “But it was a really heartwarming reinforcement of the good in society. The CHP officers were so great, Jacob was amazing, and together we made a difference and saved this little kitten.”

“I couldn’t just leave this little kitten out on the highway,” said Officer Moore. “I needed to try to do everything I could to help her. I’m so glad that Jacob was able to get her out.”

The kitten, now dubbed “Chippy” in honor of the CHIP officers who rescued her, was taken to the SPCA, where she recovered and was available for adoption.

As if the narrative wasn’t motivating enough, there came a sweet update that gave the rescue a proper happy ending.

One week following the rescue, Officer Moore visited the SPCA… and requested to adopt Chippy!

Video posted by the shelter shows the adorable cat in the arms of Moore and his two children, on her way to her new forever home.