Home Life When a man only sees you a placeholder, he will do these...

When a man only sees you a placeholder, he will do these things

When a man only see you a placeholder, he will do these things

1. He will always agree with anything you say

Because he knows that there will be nothing else that will be between the both of you. He will then say yes to anything you say without arguing because he doesn’t care, and maybe he also wants something from you. So be wise, my dear.

2. He hardly talks about the future and what will happen between you

If a guy loves you with his heart, he will not hide anything about his future from you. he will be plain and open to it all.

3. He doesn’t ask you about your life.

He doesn’t care to know about you or to know if all is okay in your life. Even when you meet him, he doesn’t show any concern or bothers to ask you more about yourself. The reason is that he believes that there is nothing more that will be between the both of you.

4. He normally just spends time with you only when he will be having s*x with you.

That means you mean nothing to him; you are not just a placeholder but also his s*x mate. So think about it, if he loves you will not just spend time with you without s*x. Must everything be all about s*x?

5. He is not always there when you need him most

If he is the type that always gives you reasons or the type that never bothers to check up on you. Or he never bothers to meet up with your appointments with him on time. Or he doesn’t even keep any of his promises with you. It is a red sign that shows he doesn’t love you but keeps you there for your sake because a guy who truly loves you will do all that for you.

6. He hasn’t deleted his relationship apps.

If he believes he is in a relationship, why is he keeping the dating and relationship apps on his phone? Or are they paying him for always installing the app on his phone? So please, my there, shine your eyes because I don’t think he loves and care about you.

7. He doesn’t care about the relationship.

Suppose you are the one working hard for the relationship to be strong. Or you are the only one sacrificing for the relationship. It is not a good thing because you two are in it together and not just only you. Any guy who loves you will try his best to keep the relationship strong.