When these things happen to you, exactly you are in an unhappy relationship

It is not easy to become aware of the fact that you might be unhappy in your relationship. Healthy families can be happy and also have ways to navigate the challenges that arise. When your family has many conflicts that are not resolved, the difficulties suffocate the chance to be happy.
The same goes for relationships. There are many reasons why you might be unhappy in a relationship, and it is difficult to correctly assess them. However, there are some signs that indicate you’re not happy with your relationship. Let’s see what they are:
– Your family, friends, and other interests keep taking priority over your partner.
– There are few or no dedicated date nights for getting emotionally and physically intimate.
– You or your partner are experiencing constant criticism.
– There is little or no gratitude in your relationship.
– Your $ex life is not what it used to be.
– You’re finding it hard to say nice things about your relationship.
– You feel more and more alone each day.
– There is hidden or open contempt between your partner and you.
– You’re experiencing problems with stonewalling.
– You’re starting to live a parallel life separate from your partner.
– Both you and your partner tend to hold grudges.
– There is a constant blame game going on between you and your partner.
– You or your partner seem to be picking fights on purpose.