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Why it is better to marry late than marry the wrong person early

Why it is better to marry late than marry the wrong person early

Society has urged people to marry by a certain age. And those who go beyond this are considered rebellious or are scorned for not marrying. Why does society assume that there is something wrong with people who would rather wait until late to marry than be with someone they don’t want to be with? Here are some possible reasons why marrying late is much better than marrying early to the wrong person.

1. Less chance of separation

When you wait too long to meet the right person, your chances of marrying someone incompatible immediately decrease. If you prefer to wait a long time rather than agree to marry a person just because he or she has “reached the age,” it becomes a more plausible reason for a happy marriage.

2. Leverage individual choices

If you prioritize independent choices, then marrying late is a good option for you. You won’t have to bow to society’s expectations; you can drop the marriage age set by society and marry on your own terms.

3. Evolution of feelings

Many couples marry in their late 20s only to fall in love with their spouse later. Your 20s and 30s are for learning life lessons and taking risks in all aspects of life. You are more likely to evolve from your own feelings and prefer something or someone else, further down the line.

4. The right opportunity

In all honesty, finding the right person takes a lot of time, effort, patience and understanding and it is perfectly fine if people want to take their time to find the right person.

5. Rushed appointments

When you get married early, sometimes you have to rush into different phases of life that you are not really ready for. For example, having children after 2 years of marriage and neglecting them later on is a much worse job than getting married late. Whereas in the latter, you are refreshingly secure about the commitments you want to make, helping you to ease yourself through the difficult stages of life.
