Home relationship Why More And More Women Lose Interest In Marriage

Why More And More Women Lose Interest In Marriage

A lot of women as times goes by, tend to forget the main purpose of marriage and why they are married to the person they are married too. In this article, we going to talk about reasons why women lose interest in their marriages.

1. Changes in the character of a man

When a man changes his character it will be very easy for a woman to interest in him because she will as if it’s not that same man she married some years ago and as such she also change the way she is thinking about her husband and finally they will but lack to trust either which will definitely lead to loss of interest in the marriage.

2. Being emotionally manipulative

When a woman finds out that her husband is emotionally exploitative, her means of protecting herself could be to recoil into her shell or be on the offensive. This may end up being interpreted as a lack of respect in a relationship.

3. Nagging Husband

There will be no peace in any home where the man or woman always nag, also as a man you always get drunk all the time and you get angry at little things, you will notice that your wife will start losing interest in you.

4. When she feels like other men do better jobs at being husbands than her husband does

This is one of the major reasons. Men lose the respect of their wives when their wives tend to compare. When your wife perceives you are being a poor husband compared to other men, you lose her respect. Every woman wants to feel like she got the best deal.

5. Aggression

When a wife has come to know her husband as that man who always resorts to aggression to get his bidding done every single time, she may end up putting up physical, mental, and emotional walls as her way of protecting herself.

His aggressive nature can cause a response in her that can eventually be interpreted as a woman who has lost respect for her husband. Women do not respond well when aggression is your thing to control them. Learn to balance it and coerce not attack

6. Incessant criticism

When nothing a woman does is ever good enough for her husband, she may become withdrawn, passive toward him, and take up a stance that suggests that his opinions do not count to her again.

Men who retain their respect as far as their wives are concerned are masters at balancing constructive criticism with praise and respect for their wives. Nobody is 100% bad neither is there anyone who is 100% good I try to balance it. Criticism at 30-35% and complementing at 70 to 65%.

7. He has relinquished his responsibilities as a husband and father

When a man stays updated with his duties toward his wife and children, it is easier for the entire family to uphold their respect for him. However, when a man constantly shows himself to be irresponsible, signs of disrespect in a relationship can begin to show up.