You Should Know These 3 Things From Your Partner’s Past
1. Why they broke up
Did your partner and their ex split amicably or was it a messy breakup? This might matter for you down the line should your relationship ever come to an end. If cheating had anything to do with why they split, and it was your partner’s fault, you need to know.
One cheating breach of trust episode can be repaired and amended, but a history of multiple cheating episodes is a sign of a bigger issue.
2. How they dealt with conflict
Some people like to address it head-on while others tend to be more passive. How your partner solved communication issues and arguments with his or her past romantic partners might be a looking glass into how he or she will handle them with you.
It is neccessary to know from their past relationships that you have a willing participant in open communication without defensive postures. You want to know that your partner has self-examination skills and a capacity for accountability and won’t always blame you for problems that arise.
3. Whether your partner has regrets
Is your partner totally over his or her ex? You probably don’t want to ask this question flat-out, but it doesn’t hurt to do some investigative digging. You deserve to understand how the relationship fizzled out.
When you learn this from your partner, you can gauge sense of how he or she feels about how it ended. Does he or she have regrets? This gives you a sense of how much self-reflection your partner does and how much responsibility they are willing to take when you have relationship problems.