Home relationship Your partner only does these 7 things when wanting to leave you

Your partner only does these 7 things when wanting to leave you

Have you ever seen people whose relationships ended abruptly? Or those who told you that they never saw it coming.

Don’t be surprised, situations like that do happen. That is why you should always be on the look for possible breakup signs from your partner.

This post will be leading you through signs that your partner wants to leave you.

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1. They cut back on communication

When your partner no longer pick up your call or text you back after you texted them, it may be a sign that they want to leave you. This is because at this point they no longer have interest in you and so they called a form of every communication.

2. They threaten to leave you

Before your partner will threaten to leave you that means that they’ve been housing it in their mind for you while. Whether they say it jokingly or seriously, whenever a person has started threatening to leave me that will be a sign.

3. Pick fights with you

If your partner begins to pick fights with you more frequently than before, that may be a red flag because any person who doesn’t want you again will begin to find fault in almost everything you do.

4. Become secretive

Do you have a partner who has become very secretive? Then you may need to be more careful or watch out for other similar signs.

5. Stopped making an effort

In every relationship, there’s usually that one person who makes more effort in a relationship but when they begin to show less interest and stop making every more effort then it may be a sign that he wants to leave you.

6. No longer discuss the future with you

If you no longer discuss the future together with your partner, then it may be a sign that they want to leave you. Partners who plan on staying together would talk about parenting, retirement and other things.

7. They avoid you

Lastly, when a partner begins to avoid you, then that means that they are no longer interested in you and may want to leave you at any time.

Source: newsblenda.com